Amiga Format 97
FlipGrid Instructions
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Text File
321 lines
Flip Grid
by S.Goodwin
Copyright 1996
This is a really simple little game involving a grid of tiles. The
object being to turn them all face down, whilst only flipping a
specific pattern over at a time, like a small cross.
For example:
A game grid that starts,
...X.X. ...X.X.
..XXX.. might change to ...XX.. if you click on the
XX.XXXX ..X.XXX third dot of the
..X.... ....... third line...
... when the flip grid is: XXX
This process can be enhanced by having 3 surfaces! This means is
will take two flips to turn it up the right way again. Eg. X->Y->Z->X.
Addictive gameplay. (something that everyone else puts at the bottom!)
Variable grid sizes (from 4x4 to 14x14)
Variable tile sizes (16 or 32 square)
Wrap-around grids.
Various tile sets.
Various flip grid patterns.
Tri-state tiles. (N-state possible, if your brain can handle it!)
Fortune cookie win messages.
Fully upgrable.
-- Operation --
This is dead easy, I don't know why I'm writing about it!
Game: This opens a list that allows you to select a Flip Grid shape.
Tile Set: Opens a list that lets you specify which tiles will be used.
It also sets up the 'type' of tile. 'Single' means it has a single
front face. 'Double' means it has one back, and two front faces, you
must flip the tile twice to get it to face down again.
Size: The size of the game grid. This can be changed by you to make
the basic game easier or harder.
- Game Options -
Wrap-around grid: When this is tick, and a tile changes at the edge,
any changes that should occur on a tile just outside the limit, will
change the tile on the other side of the grid.
Background tile: This replaces the graphic on the back on the tile
with a basic tile (blank with a small blue dot in the corner). This
option makes it easy to play with tiles that have two front faces.
Music On: If there is enough Chip Ram, a sound module will play
throughout the game...but only if this item is ticked.
Sound Effects: Annoying little sounds that occur when you flip some
tiles, finish the game, etc.
Kooky win messages: Shows a sillier message than 'You Have Won!' when
all the tiles are turned face down.
The recessed area on the bottom right if the current Flip Grid. You
can change the design at this stage, if you wish. This is done by
clicking inside it. Each area is a toggle, click it once to remove a
cross, click again to replace it.
- The Game Screen -
Timer On - Opens (or closes) a small timer window. This has its own
'Start', 'Stop', and 'Reset' buttons.
New Game - Starts a completely new game, by returning you to the Setup
Re-start Game - Randomize the grid for another game, using the same
tile set, Flip Grid pattern, and size of grid.
Quit Game - Let's you give up gracefully!
The large panel on the left is the play area. Just click anywhere, and
the appropiate tiles will flip.
-- Configuration --
The file 'flipgrid.cfg' starts with the basic configuration for Flip
Grid. You may alter if you wish. All parameters are optional, and are
in the format:
parameter=on or parameter=off
There is never a space around the equals sign, and case is
unimportant. The valid parameters are,
fx - play sound effects
music - play background music
win - show "fortune cookie" style win messages
wrap - Use a wrap-around grid
-- Upgrading --
One of the extra special features of Flip Grid, is its ability to add
new graphics and flip grids. To do this you simply need to extend the
'flipgrid.cfg' file. There are three parameters to define these
loadtile - specifies a new tileset
defgame - describes the size and pattern of a flip grid
winningtext - adds new fortune cookie style text
The simplest feature to add is winning text. You just add the text,
on separate lines, after the 'winningtext' parameter and finish the
list with the word 'END'. For example,
This line will be added to the list of winning messages!
So will this!
This is the last line to add.
Defining games are also easy. Each game needs two names (one long,
one short), a 'by' credit, indicating the creator, and the flip grid
pattern. Example,
The Games Long Name
Short Name
'By' Credit
The flip grid must be 5x5 in size, even if a portion of it is
Tile sets do not require much additional work. However, you must
have previously created an AMOS icon bank holding the new graphics,
and these graphics must be displayable in hi-res with 8 colours as
either 16x16 or 32x32 icons.
2 ; the number of tile sets in the bank
Name of set #1
2 ; The number of tiles in this set
32 ; The size of each tile
Name of set #2
3 ; The number of tiles in this set
16 ; The size of each tile
If you create any good tile sets, interesting Flip Grid patterns,
win messages or hints, then why not send them to me and I'll include
them on the next release with your name attatched!!!!
-- Hints --
Making the game easier:
Use smaller grids. By using larger tile sets, you will be limited
to 7x7 grids.
Disable wrap around.
Use simple patterns like the cross (there is a trivial case...use
a single dot...but that's is just *tooooo* easy!)
Making the game harder:
Use larger grids (use the small Pooh bear set to go up to 14x14)
Enable wrap around.
Play a 3-flip grid.
Use complex, irregular, flip grid patterns.
-- More Hints --
In all games (without wrap-around), it is often best to get groups of
2 or 3 tiles into a corner, where they can be disposed of easily.
Here some real give-away clues for the Flip Grid pattern known as
"Small Cross".
. = No tile
X = Main tile
x = Main tile, click here to reduce
: = No tile, click here to reduce
Patterns to look for:
...X.. .....
...xX. -> ..X..
.XX... .XxX.
..X... ..X..
..X.. .....
.XxX. .....
..... -> ..X..
.XXX. .XxX.
..X.. ..X..
.X.. .... ....
XxX. .... .... (must be at left edge, no wrap)
X... -> XX.. -> X...
..X. .:X. xX..
XX.. XX.. X...
.X ..
X: -> .X (must be at the bottom right edge, no wrap)
X. Xx
Xx -> .: -> .X (must be at right hand edge, no wrap)
X. Xx ..
.. .. .X
..X ..X ..X ..X
... .X. .X. .Xx (must be at right hand edge)
X:. -> .XX -> .X: -> ..X (no wrap)
... .X: ..X ...
..X ..X ... ...
As for the others...experiment...
-- Copyright Notice --
This software, and all its associated documents, is copyright 1996 by
Steven Goodwin. The version provided here may be freely distributed as
long as no files are edited or deleted, and the copyright notice
contained herein is not modified. No warranties, implied or otherwise,
are given and this software is used at the users own risk, and no
liability can be accepted for any damaged caused, either directly or
indirectly, from this software.
Some of the graphics featured here are likenesses of well known
characters. They are included in good faith. If, however, you feel
your copyright is infringed then write to me below, and I will remove
them from future releases of the game.
-- The Final Word --
This program is shareware, but if you like it, and want the source,
then you can have it....for #5!
Q. Where do I send my money?
A. Steven Goodwin
105 St. Johns Road
Essex CO16 8DB
Q. What do I say?
A. Try printing this off....
(or copying the relevant bits if you're without a printer)
o/_________________________ CUT HERE ________________________________
Your Name:_______________
Address :_______________
Hi Mr. Steven Goodwin,
I would like to register my copy of Flip Grid because,
a) I'd like to get some more tile sets.
b) I feel sorry for you, not having had any mail for days!
c) I want to find out how YOU program AWE.
d) If I send this letter it will tear me away from my Amiga for over 2
1/2 minutes!
e) I have a tremendous guilt complex!
f) All of the above (circle as appropriate)
I enclose a cheque/postal order for #5 (which includes P&P) because
I'm a kind hearted soul whos cares about the people who make my
Thanks very much,
Name ________________ (not completely necessary, but ties up the
letter nicely)
o/_________________________ CUT HERE ________________________________
That's all folks!!!! See you on the next release...